Monday, July 13, 2009

stop the world ...I wanna get off!

I don't wanna do this anymore!!! Well.....not really ! or do I? That's the problem...I don't know! I don't know what I wanna do! I don't know if I wanna wake up tomorrow and go to work or just get on the highway and keep driving. And I cant figure out what I wanna do because I'm at an age were I should have it figured out or not wanna or have to take any risks (other then a new look or hair style...oh and new restaurants...I like trying new restaurants) but that should be the extent of it...but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO here I am maybe with a new carrier(have not found what it will be yet),trying to have a kid (no not pregnant yet) and completely confused!

I know this blog has made little to no sense but that's fine because its my blog and this is about all I have control over at this point of my life

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Down this road

I have not blogged since my intro but sometimes life (and stuff) get in the way of things!!!It's not like I don't have things to blog about (my life keeps on sending me thru hoops).

And let me ask this.....When does life stop doing that? (sending you thru hoops).Cause really at my age I thought I would have found a road (a life road that is) and would simply over come obstacles on a given road!!!!!! I always thought that I would find a carrier, get married , buy a house, have a kid maybe two ,travel ...etc etc etc...and at one point ( for a brief,very brief moment) I thought here you go The Road...I found The Road!!! And then something just happened...Oh ya I woke up!!! Got a divorce from Monkey Boy ( my ex will be refereed to as Monkey boy) but it just felt like a bump cause then I met The boy but The boy is scared to commit so I am not married,do not own my home and no kid ( partially do to a small health issue). I know what you are all thinking I still have my carrier at The job...well guess what, this week I learned that my boss,mentor,friend and person that had my back there goes carrier!!! and No I am not over reacting....When my cashier looks at me and say ''Oh no this wont be good for you'' then I know I am not over reacting.

So back to the original question....At what point does life simply say...'' OK lets stop fucking with her and on to the next one!!!!!Cause reallly , reallly, I am done .That's it .I can't take anything else going POUF on me!!! I want normal.( no I am not having a burn out).
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