I don't wanna do this anymore!!! Well.....not really ! or do I? That's the problem...I don't know! I don't know what I wanna do! I don't know if I wanna wake up tomorrow and go to work or just get on the highway and keep driving. And I cant figure out what I wanna do because I'm at an age were I should have it figured out or not wanna or have to take any risks (other then a new look or hair style...oh and new restaurants...I like trying new restaurants) but that should be the extent of it...but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO here I am maybe with a new carrier(have not found what it will be yet),trying to have a kid (no not pregnant yet) and completely confused!
I know this blog has made little to no sense but that's fine because its my blog and this is about all I have control over at this point of my life
When You Lie...You Get Caught
15 years ago