Sunday, June 14, 2009

I dont really know how to start a blog since well.....since I have never writen one so I figure the best place to start is to give an idea of who I am and what I am allllll about....

I live in ....lets just call it The city, I am in love with...he will be The boy, I am in my 30's and I work in retail ( lets call it...The job) I don't have many friends ( they will be introduced later on ) and I am at a place right now in my life where I am trying to either better my self or self destruct.
As a person....well....lets just say I am pleasantly plumped ( if its possible to be those two things at once ) slightly tall ( for my height) and as far as looks go well lets just say I have not made any babies cry. My style is casual, that does not mean I don't have a sense of style but that I would rather dress other people then myself! I don't do make-up often (to the horror of some people) and would rather keep my hair short (even tho I am presently growing it out) .The two things that god blessed me with was beautiful nails and a great set of boobs!!!

This is pretty much a quick over view of who I am if you were to see me walking down the street, as to who I reallllly am? And what I'm about well.... I guess you will just have to check out my blog to find out What all the jazz is really about!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to read more about you. I loved the line "tall for my height" and "haven't made any babies cry".

    Wonderful introduction. Keep blogging!


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